Thursday, December 13, 2012

Crunch Time

"You passed Spanish because you gave Professor Montoya a lap dance after the final"- Serena (Legally Blonde)
Its that terrible time of the year filled with stress and fear of failure finals week. The end of the semester is always the worst. This week I needed to watch Legally Blonde for inspiration more then ever. The beginning of law school for Elle was not very successful. She did not know how much work it would be and all she cared about was getting the man of her dreams back. When she realized she was better then that she became determined and ended up being top of her class. This inspires me so much because the beginning of the semester was rough on me. I didn't realize how much I was taking on so I started to panic. I dug my self a hole in almost all my classes I didn't know what to do so I turned to Legally Blonde for inspiration. After watching it I realize I just needed to focus and I became determined to keep up with all my classes. Now its crunch time and everything relies on these next final grades... talk about pressure. I am stressed but I know being stressed is not going to help so I came up with my own stress relieving  activities I will do the week of finals. Everyone has their own way of relieving stress but maybe it could work for you as well. 
  1. Each day do a different type of workout 
    • Zumba
    • Running
    • Kick boxing
    • P-90x
Although working out takes up much needed study time is a perfect way to re-energize and get the brain ready for some more studying.
  2. Bribe yourself

When it gets to the point where i have so much more to do but the thought of looking at another page of notes makes my head spin I plan on giving myself something to look forward to.
 example: "If I finish this next chapter I can watch an episode of American Horror Story"

3. Talk to your friends

Everyone is feeling the stress of the end of the year so I find letting off some stress steam really helps.

4. Keep your phone elsewhere and off Facebook

These two things are the biggest distractions. Study time is study time nothing else. Staying away from these distractions helps me stay focused and get things done quicker. It also leaves more break time!

5. Watch Legally Blonde

I know that more then once I am going to want to quit but instead of quitting ill watch legally blonde to inspire me to keep it coming.

6. Drink lots of coffee

Although this is probably the worst thing for me to do I find my self more focused and alert the days I drink coffee and during finals week the more the better.


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